Este es el hombre que conquistó a Camila Cabello, la estrella pop del momento

La joven exintegrante de ‘Fifth Harmony’ pasa por uno de sus mejores momentos; no solo su canción ‘Havana’ figura en las primeras posiciones de importantes listados como el ‘Hot 100 de Billboard’, sino que el amor también le sonríe.


El afortunado es Matthew Hussey, un ‘coach’ de vida y columnista de citas para la revista Cosmopolitan.

El británico de 30 años es también escritor del ‘best seller’ ‘Get the Guy’, libro en el que da herramientas a las lectoras para “aprender los secretos de la mente masculina”, para así “encontrar al hombre que quieres y el amor que mereces”.

La pareja fue captada en las playas del cabo San Lucas y, según una fuente citada por E! News, estuvieron muy cariñosos, se dieron besos y caminaron tomados de la mano.

A continuación, las fotos del responsable de la sonrisa de enamorada de Camila

I used to be absolutely terrified of being in front of people. Public speaking was my worst nightmare. I was so afraid of embarrassment, saying the wrong thing, making a fool of myself. I never used to put myself out there or take risks. I was scared of what people thought of me constantly. I have conquered that for myself, which is the only reason I am able to have the career I have now. When people ask me if change is possible, I know that it is, because the tools I talk about worked on me first. Trust me when I say one year from now, your life, and your level of confidence can be unrecognizable from where you are now. Whether it’s our career, our relationships, or our emotional well-being – we need 2 things to achieve anything: (1) The TOOLS and STRATEGY to get there (2) The CONFIDENCE to face our fears My At-Home Retreat program is specifically designed to tackle BOTH (if you want to get your spot with my NEW bonuses, go to ?? I’ve been stuck before plenty of times. And I’ve spent years developing these tools for myself before passing them on to others. If you’re ready to stop settling and skyrocket your results in EVERY part of your life – I’d love you to join me. Go to and I’ll see you there! ? Matt x

Una publicación compartida de Matthew Hussey (@thematthewhussey) el
